MCS/EHS Policy

The Vallebona Country House is designed to accomodate people with any kind of environmental sensitivity such as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity.

The owner of the House has severe MCS/EHS and she lived in Rome. It took her 5 years to find a safe place where to live.

When she came to the Monti Lucretili Park she immediately noticed that the air quality was excellent and that she had more energy than usual.

In order to mantain a chemical free environment the Vallebona Country House has a special policy for the guests:

  1. only fragrance free and chemical free cleaning agents can be used in the house, the guest will find some cleaning agents in the house;
  2. no pesticides, insectides or herbiced have ever been used in the house and outside the house in the latest 15 years;
  3. the aunt control is made using lemon and baking soda;
  4. the windows and the entrance door are provided with mosquito nets so there is no need to use any pest control chemicals in the house.
The are not any industries and there is no intensive agricolture.
The only economic activities in the area is livestock.
So it may happen to meet some hoarses or cows in the near streets.

A set of pan for gluten-free coocking can be provided on request.

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tel. +39 3384093857 (please send a text message and you will be called back, thank you)