Sunday, October 2, 2022

Vallebona Country House: the house for MCS and EHS on a book!

The book "Una casa per la buona salute" (A House for Good Health), published by Libreria Editrice Fiorentina in September 2022, describes the principles to build and renovate a house in order to mantain good health.

You can find a video-course about how to build, manage and renew a house for MCS and EHS on patreon CLICK HERE.

Vallebona Country House was built according such principles, with a special attention to the needs of people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Electro Hypersensitivity.

On the book there are several pictures of Vallebona Country House that is taken as an example of good design.

The building materials are natural and, most of all, they were chosen because of their low odour.

The furniture is mainly in brick and metal, with a few parts in hard untreated wood.

The electric wiring system is shielded and the electric systems shuts down automatically when not used in order to reduce EMF exposure.

If you want to book your stay at Vallebona Country House, write to vallebonahouse