Every season has its positive aspects. Spring at Vallebona is an extraordinary period because it is possible to see the first flowers appear: daisies, chamomile, violets, but also the special orchids for which the Parco dei Monti Lucretili was created.
In this period, the mild temperatures allow you to have lunch outdoors and stay under the sun, without umbrellas. In the sky you can often see buzzards flying with their young because they have their nest on Monte Castellano, the mountain above Vallebona.
Between May and June, when it is not yet too hot for them, the pleasant song of nightingales can be heard. If you put music in the house it is easy to see some nightingale arriving on the windowsill that responds to the musical call, it is a real show. They like particularly Rhyanna!
The mild temperatures are also perfect for trekking. You don't need to take the car if you want to go on one of the nearby paths, such as the one that goes to Monte Castellano, the one that goes to Morretta or Pratarelle.
The photos show the intense green typical of this period, in which the heat and the moist soil allow the growth of flourishing meadows, as in the English countryside.